New poll from Greenland: “Do you want Greenland to leave the Danish Kingdom and instead become part of the USA?” Yes: 6% No: 85% Dont […]
Kategori: Truth Social
Truth Social er Donald Trumps sociale medie baseret på Rebased/Soapbox. Du kan følge min profil på @aphandersen. Jeg er ikke meget aktiv på dette sociale medie.
Sverige bliver endelig snart medlem af NATO
Sverige bliver endelig snart medlem af NATO. Det er godt, for det er vigtigt at stå sammen i disse tider hvor der kommer flere krige […]
This is huge – Sweden will now also become a Nato member like Finland
This is huge – Sweden will now also become a Nato member like Finland #Nato #UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraineinvasion Findes også på: website
Twitter Blue accounts used to fuel Ukraine War misinformation from pro-Kremlin channels on Telegram
Twitter Blue accounts used to fuel Ukraine War misinformation from pro-Kremlin channels on Telegram #UkraineRussiawar
How would The Ukraine-Russia War have gone if Donald Trump was President of USA?
How would The Ukraine-Russia War have gone if Donald Trump was President of USA? Was Ukraine left alone or had Putin now lost the war? […]
Hi all Truthsayers, new from Denmark. Interested in IT and blog about social media, so interested in what makes Truth Social a great place?
Hi all Truthsayers, new from Denmark. Interested in IT and blog about social media, so interested in what makes Truth Social a great place?