Tag: fediverse

  • Now also joined Post.news, to test it out. Post.news have been one of the microblogging services some has chosen instead of Mastodon, when leaving Twitter. https://post.news/@aphandersen I’ve heard that they are joining the Fediverse in this year, anyone that can verify that? #postnews #fediverse #twittermigration

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  • I know the following frontends for Mastodon. Any other recommendations? #mastodon #fediverse #frontends

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  • The ActivityPub plugin for WordPress (and the other Fediverse plugins) is a great plugin, but still missing some features. I hope the following will come in 2023: #wordpress #fediverse #activitypub

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  • Most software in the Fediverse allows you to move followers, import follows, bookmarks, blocks etc. But I have not yet seen it possible to export posts in a format that easily can be imported in another instance of another Fediverse software. It should be possible in the Fediverse to move your content to other software…

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  • I have started testing different Fedivers software, such as Mastodon, Pleroma and Calckey. Which is your favorite and why? #fediverse

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  • @atomicpoet WordPress is easy to install, so Fediverse tools for WordPress could be improved and maybe a part of core WordPress#WordPress #activitypub #fediverse #dkfedi Link: Read More 

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Om mig

Yngre læge og kommende geriater fra Region Syddanmark. Følg mig i fediverset ved at følge @andreas@apha.dk.

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